====== charmy ====== An automated PyCharm installer. Supported systems ================= At the moment works for Linux only. Although `charmy` would work on any Linux system (download, sym-link), some extra things, like creating a `.desktop` file for Ubuntu launcher, are done for specific systems only. Installation ============ Install with latest stable version from PyPI:: $ pip install charmy Or install the latest stable version from GitHub:: $ pip install -e git+https://github.com/barseghyanartur/charmy@stable#egg=charmy Or install the latest stable version from BitBucket:: $ pip install -e hg+https://bitbucket.org/barseghyanartur/charmy@stable#egg=charmy Or install into python path:: $ python setup.py install That's all. See the `Usage and examples` section for more. Usage and examples ================== Basics ------ Install latest version of the PyCharm. Let's assume the you want to install community edition version 4.5.4:: charmy install --version=4.5.4 --edition=community List installed PyCharm versions:: charmy versions Switch between installed PyCharm versions (imagine, you have both 4.5.3 and 4.5.4 installed and want to switch back to previous version):: charmy activate --version=4.5.3 --edition=community If you don't have a version preference and just want to install the latest version available (defaults to community edition), just type:: charmy install You may be more explicit as well:: charmy install --edition=community Install the latest professional version:: charmy install --edition=professional By default `charmy` installs PyCharm in the `PyCharm` directory. If you want it to be installed elsewhere provide --destination directive:: charmy install --destination=/home/user/pycharm/ Note, that `charmy` remembers your last destination, so once you have specified a destination, you don't have to specify it again (unless you want to change installation directory). Ubuntu ------ When installing on Ubuntu, `charmy` creates a `.desktop` file for to be drag and dropped to the Unity launcher. The `.desktop` file is located at:: ~/.local/share/applications/jetbrains-pycharm-ce.desktop License ======= GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 Support ======= For any issues contact me at the e-mail given in the `Author` section. Author ====== Artur Barseghyan Indices and tables ================================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`